Conversational Marketing in Canada

What is Conversational Marketing | When Conversations meets Conversion
With the rise of messaging apps such as What’s App, Facebook Messenger, and more – conversational marketing technology has forced consumer behaviours to shift from an email inbox, to a real-time chat.
One-on-One real-time messaging and conversational marketing software is allowing users and prospects to reach beyond your inbox and voicemail and has quickly become the fastest and easiest way to communicate with one another.
Brands and businesses all over the world are beginning to adapt messaging and conversational marketing chatbot platforms to help answer their prospects questions, delivering answers immediately and setting expectations.
The Result – Conversion.
Website contact forms have been a preferred way for web users to reach out and ask questions without making a commitment or being pressured into sales tactics and constant follow-up calls.
To date, they still serve a big purpose for many brands, however many contact form inquiries are often missed, unanswered or simply ignored.
Say Goodbye to the Contact Form, Saying Hello to Conversational Marketing Tools
Sounds pretentious and un-necessary right? But believe it or not, live chat boxes have been on websites for years – but are often mis-understood or simply too invasive for most users to understand, engagement is often provoked with annoying pop-ups and in some cases, not very personal.
Benefits of Conversational Marketing
Ready to Answer Questions
Frequently asked questions are often overlooked, or the question your prospect has isn’t there. Leaving your prospect to A: Phone you, or B: Fill out a contact form and wait 1 or 3 business days..or more
Speed up your Sales Process
Prospects are more likely to buy if you’re ready to sell. Web Contact forms create little assurance that a user will receive a prompt answer and will often fill your inbox with unwanted spam and solicitations.
Personalized Messaging & Engagement
Our inboxes are overloaded with promotional emails and newsletters, and we simply don’t have enough time to read them all anymore. Personalized messaging on your website will engage and provoke users to converse with you, answer questions and build trust. Follow up those conversations with personalized emails that automatically keep your brand on top of your prospects mind and accelerate your sales process.
Old Way
Traditional Marketing
Days or WeeksNew Way
Conversational Marketing
In Minutes