A digital marketing campaign is a series of online operations undertaken by a company to drive engagement, traffic, revenue or other digital goals.
Tips For A Successful Marketing Campaign
When planning a campaign you intend to be very successful, there are certain steps you must take and here are some of them:
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A successful marketing campaign is one that’s targeted and the only way to create a targeted campaign is by creating personas for your ideal audience.
Buyer personas are your target audience and you can develop them by researching your target audience. Here are a few tips you can use:
#1. Start With Your Recent Buyers
You’ll be interviewing your recent buyers to find out what you got right about your offer.
While you’ll have to update certain aspects of your product to attract new buyers, you’ll still need to maintain or improve upon the products your current buyers love.
#2. Determine How Many Personas You Need
If you’re running a campaign to drive traffic to your coffee site with different products, you can target buyers for your coffee machine or coffee tampers.
This means you can either run a separate campaign for each or one campaign for both coffee tools. A campaign to sell two different products will require two different buyer personas.
#3. Create Marketing Messages Out Of Your Research
After you’ve interviewed different people, you should get a message that resonates with your target audience.
There are different personalization tools around so don’t hesitate to use them to create a unique experience for each prospect based on their responses.
You can do this bit yourself or hire a digital marketing service to do this for you.
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Every marketing campaign should have at least one goal. This goal could be to boost your site traffic, increase the signups to your list, improve your conversions or double your engagement.
A wrong marketing goal will produce a failed campaign. If you’ve just created a site, a campaign to double your engagement makes no sense because the website is still too young for you to properly gauge engagements.
Here are tips you should use when setting goals for your campaign:
#1. Wait For 6 Months After Starting Your Site To Call An On-Site Campaign Failed
If it’s not been up to six months since you created your site, you should wait before calling your campaign a failed one.
Google has been known to place new sites in something called a sandbox for three to six months to get an idea of the structure of the site before ranking them.
This means your link building campaign for a new site was successful, you only need to give it a few months to take effect.
#2. Don’t Get The Wrong Traffic
There’s no point getting 10,000 new visitors to your coffee machine landing page if they’re only there because they heard you were giving out a free coffee machine if they participated in a contest.
Most of those people are never going to buy a coffee machine and if you spent ads directing traffic to that page, you won’t get your return on investment (ROI).
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You can’t run a successful campaign in 2019 without using digital marketing tools. The good news though is, you won’t need all the tools. Here are the key marketing tools and what you can use them for:
#1. Google Analytics
This is one of the most useful tools any site can have installed, and it’s free too.
You’ll need Google analytics if you’re looking for data about traffic, bounce rate, time on site, number of pages visited and location of traffic.
There are also customization options so you can create a specific audience you want to collect data, and track that audience in Google Analytics.
#2. Ubersuggest/Ahrefs/SEMrush
These are paid SEO tools except Ubersuggest which is a free tool. These tools do one thing, they track data on metrics that could increase your search rankings if high.
Backlink data, keyword research data and general information about your site structure are the reports you’ll get from these tools.
#3. MailChimp/Aweber/ConvertKit
This group contains email and lead management software which will be very important if you’re running a campaign to grow your email list.
They’re paid tools but there’s always a trial plan you can use to check if this will work for you.
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Your digital assets are your existing sites and social media accounts and here’s why you should audit them:
#1. It Helps You Confirm If You Can Handle Massive Traffic
If you’re running a campaign to drive 10,000 new visitors to your site, you’ll need to be on a server that can handle that and no, your $1 a month host isn’t capable.
#2. It Helps You Gather Present Data
While you may have 2 million followers on Instagram, it’s really important to note the fact that you’re only getting a little over 500 likes and 30 comments on your posts.
It helps you analyze the results a campaign to double your engagement should produce.
The content strategy here is the one you’ll implement while the initial results of your campaign trickle in.
Here are some things you should be thinking of:
#1. Publishing Low-Competition Keywords
If you’re having a successful link building campaign for a particular high-competition keyword, you should publish its low-competition/long-tail variants to exploit the benefits of that link juice.
Here’s why this works – Google will consider your site an authoritative site for those high-competition keywords due to the influx of backlinks and will also rank other related posts on the same topic published on your site.
#2. Create A Social Posting Calendar
Make sure this is automated because your posting schedule may fall on a time you’re supposed to be asleep.
If you run a campaign to increase engagement on your Facebook account and you notice conversations are usually increased on Monday mornings you should be able to prepare content that will engage followers during that time.
That’s why a posting calendar helps.
There are no static rules involved in creating a great digital marketing campaign. The techniques keep on changing and you can use the tips in this post as a guide when creating yours.

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