It’s no secret that the marketing game has become increasingly known as the game of trust (and mistrust). And although this might be a rather tacky or cheesy representation of the marketing’s driving force, we truly believe that an honest approach brings more good than bad. This stands both for being open about your brand’s potential flaws, as well as pointing out that you’re going to do whatever it is in your power to try to correct any possible shortcomings.
Of course, this is just a start. Admitting that you’re not perfect is just the beginning of creating that much sought out buyer-seller relationship of trust. The blatant reality is that you can’t just flat out lie to people for an extended period of time and expect to continue to generate revenue without any backlash. We give you six super strategies for how to ’make’ customers trust your brand.
1. ’Nobody’s Perfect, And Neither Are We’ – Make The Customers Feel Safe
Like we’ve already remarked, the first thing you want to do is acknowledge that nobody’s absolutely consummate or downright. This is a crucial step in creating that first spark of trust because it instantly gives you an edge over others in your niche.
Most of the marketing campaigns are taking pride in being word-perfect, especially compared to their peers. But this creates an illusion and a false reality of things. Instead of trying to present your brand as perfect, you’d rather want to play the ’supreme product’ card. Make sure to target your audience, but at the same time work on strategies to continually expand the buyer’s market.
By admitting that you or your brand aren’t consummate, you’re not telling customers that your product isn’t good or that it isn’t that good. You’re simply telling the truth and showing the people that it’s alright to have certain flaws. Be certain that people can relate to this, as they themselves deep down recognize that everything around them has some kind of a mark or a weak point/ spot/ link.
This isn’t necessarily connected to the fact that shortcomings and limitations are unavoidable in any case, but just to the fact that we are all different and thus have different needs and desires. The same goes for your product also – even though it can be regarded as perfect to some, others won’t feel the same. But the trick is to show them that they’ll be more satisfied with your product (although imperfect) than with someone else’s, nevertheless. This is the right approach and the way to make them feel safe.
2. The Schroedinger’s Cat Of Marketing: It Is And It Isn’t The Game Of Persuasion At The Same Time
The reason why marketing shouldn’t be all about persuasion is pretty simple: people, in general, don’t like being deceived, made to believe something or someone – they prefer feeling as if they were in charge of their thoughts, needs, and desires throughout the whole time. That’s why they don’t want to be persuaded, at least some of them. They like to feel like they were the ones who made conscious decision to do or don’t do something, to buy a certain product or choose another. And you as a company’s leader or a marketing sales representative have to respect that.
On the other hand, your job really is to persuade someone (a large group of people, preferably) that your brand is the real deal and that they should opt for it. The way to do this is to always leave them with another option to choose in sight. No one likes to be cornered, so even if the customer strongly feels that your brand is the right one for her or him, they’ll probably try to wiggle out of the situation.
This tactic goes hand in hand with the previous one – the first step is to tell them you may not be perfect for them, but you’re still the best option for them, all things considered. Constantly remind them that they do have other options, but they themselves (with your ’little’ help, naturally) need to realize why those brands aren’t truly what’s good for them.
3. Pay Attention To The Way You Communicate
Your brand is your everything, but no matter how good it is, you have to realize that communication is key. What good would it be to have a top-notch product and being unable to sell it? You have to tread carefully, but at the same time don’t be afraid to be aggressive or even sassy at times. The communication needs to be transparent and professional, but you also want to create a rather unique voice, that’s going to talk to the customers in their own language.
Remember that you’re not operating in a bubble here, and you can also forget about the hope that the competitors will stay fair. The pertinent thing to have in mind here is not to get too dirty, and don’t go over the line – the customers will surely be able to recognize and respect the fact that you’ve handled a certain situation with a sense of dignity.
Marketing is often times brutal and it can be hardly called a gentleman’s game, but for these exact reasons, you’d want to seize the opportunity and make the most out of it. Communicate clearly, transparently, and if someone does something which can jeopardize or hurt your brand, try to respond in the best possible way. Make sure to contact the intellectual property experts like those behind Actuate IP and deal with any unpleasant situation in this regard with a sense of pride and dignity. This way you’ll show both to your customers and competitors that you’re able to protect your brand by staying calm and collected. Nothing makes you more trustworthy than the ability to solve potential crisis situations.
4. Generate Good Content
The aforementioned three steps were crucial for gaining trust. Once you’ve set the right tone and healthy foundations from the beginning, now it’s time to continue to grow.
The audience surely knows how to tell the difference between good and bad content. The only way you can be certain that you’re creating good content is by following the criteria of being authentic, showcasing transparency, being responsive, ’human’, and providing value – that’s why you have to pay utmost attention to these core strategies.
Only by sticking to these you’ll be able to generate good content on a regular basis. Authenticity, transparency, responsiveness, value creation and the human element/ approach can guarantee the move towards creating better trust bonds between you as a company and the customers.
5. Be Cautious While Posting On Social Networks/ Blogging
Everyone knows how important social networks are for promoting a brand or a business. But they can also create a lot of havoc and mayhem if they aren’t handled properly.
You definitely want to attract and engage followers, just make sure to do that in a way that unambiguously helps your brand. People say a lot of stuff online, and some of it is really offensive or simply untrue. Try not to fall for these, as you might end up hurting your brand more than you can imagine.
Be aware of the fact that various social networks can be immensely helpful for strengthening the tie between you and the customers, but they can also act as double-bladed swords. Just make sure to remember and follow our third strategy (the way you communicate) and you should avoid these problems.
6. Create A Circle Of Mutual Help And Trust
You’re there for the customers, but they’re also there for you. You exist because of them, and they rely on you to deliver a good product. Once this bond is created, you want to continue to ride the wave of trust and good faith. While you’re helping the customers, make them help you also.
Always go out and ask them (whether on social media or in person) what can you do to further improve on the product. That way they’ll truly believe that you’re there for them and that you have their backs. You should be constantly thinking about the ways to evolve, and you can actually get the best information and advice on how to do that from the customers. It’s important to start a conversation with them, but it’s even more important to continue the talk. That way they’re also helping you to promote your brand while simultaneously helping themselves get a better product.
Although there are numerous ways and strategies for making the customers trust your brand, we strongly believe that the six that we’ve touched upon are crucial. With the first three that we’ve mentioned (admitting that you’re not perfect/ making the customers feel safe, knowing what persuasion should involve, and paying attention to the way you communicate) you’re setting the right tone early.
With the following three (generating good content, being cautious on social media, and creating a circle of mutual help and trust) you’re further solidifying your position as a valuable and trustworthy option.
Nick Brown is a blogger and a marketing expert currently engaged on projects for Media Gurus, an Australian business, and marketing resource. He is an aspiring street artist and does Audio/Video editing as a hobby.

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