While no one can predict what the future holds for marketing trends, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try. With so many technological advancements, as well as changing preferences of the people, marketing trends are forever evolving. The only way you’re going to beat the competition is to stay ahead in the digital marketing game.
That said, here are the four digital marketing trends you can expect for the year 2020.
1. Chatbots
As many aspects of marketing are becoming automated, the use of chatbots is becoming a common theme.
Over the past few years, companies started to adopt chatbots to kick-start and even maintain communication with visitors to their website. Moreover, chatbots are always available 24/7, meaning that customers get a response almost immediately.
With AI technology getting better and better each year, these chatbots will get better as well, relieving the burden of replying to messages manually. That not only means that customers get a response, but you are free to do anything else that might be more pressing.
2. Content
Content will forever and always be kind. Without content, most, if not all, digital marketing efforts will fall short of success. It is what customers pay attention to the most. It is what builds the credibility of the business, enhances the trust between customer and company, and keeps a website relevant and informative.
With SEO being a staple in everyone’s digital marketing efforts, good content will only contribute positively to a website’s rank. Plus, content, while being a relatively low investment compared to other digital marketing trends, is a long-lasting strategy and perhaps provide the most amount of benefits in the long run.
3. Video Marketing
Many companies, when employing video marketing, have found that their conversion rates have improved significantly. What does this mean for you? If you haven’t applied video marketing into your digital marketing strategy yet, it is time to do so.
Video content, apart from written content, is an extremely attractive way for customers to learn more about a specific product or service excitingly and easily. Also, with social media and many other different platforms allowing the use of video content, you can enhance your reach to a myriad of customers by creating video content that suits each audience. Just like written content, video content also helps boost your SEO efforts, pushing you even higher up the search ranks for improved organic website traffic.
4. Voice Search
While voice search isn’t anything new, we believe that it will seriously take off this year. Plus, with artificial intelligence getting smarter every year, voice search is becoming much more accurate and comfortable to carry out.
Because of this, you’ll have to start converting your marketing content into something more of a conversational tone. That way, not only will your marketing efforts be picked up more frequently by the consumers, but you’ll be humanizing your brands as well, a positive trait for any business out there.
If you want to be successful in your digital marketing efforts this year, pay attention to the digital marketing trends we’ve shared with you. They’re tried and proven to work, and we highly believe that they’ll carry you through to success.
That said, if you’re having trouble implementing these trends into your digital marketing strategy, working with a digital marketing agency is a viable option. With their expertise and knowledge, they’ll be able to bring you the results you want.
Are you looking for professionals to help assist with your digital marketing strategies? We’re a digital marketing agency in Winnipeg, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.

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